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Xinhua News Agency: Innovation, Green and Openness — High quality development in Zhejiang from the perspective of “three pairs of relations”


Source: Xinhua News Agency Publisher: Wei Yijun Reading: 61762022-09-15
The province’s GDP grew by 7.7% year on year, higher than expected, better than that of the whole country and leading the east; The added value of industries above designated size increased by 8.9% year on year, and the structural adjustment continued to optimize… In the first quarter of 2019, Zhejiang again handed over a brilliant report card.
Driven by scientific and technological innovation, we will accelerate the transformation of new and old driving forces, and continue to promote supply side structural reform. Zhejiang has taken innovation, green, and openness as a living commentary on high-quality development, and is firmly moving forward on this journey.
Tradition and emerging: innovation leads to complement each other
Different from the impression that the workers in the sock industry are busy on the assembly line, in the first weaving workshop of Zhejiang Xiuxin Science and Technology Co., Ltd., the automation equipment is running at full power, and the automatic dust remover moves slowly between the equipment to collect the fine fibers produced in the production process.
Faced with the reality of rising human costs and market fluctuations in recent years, we set about solving the development bottleneck through intelligent transformation.” He Chaoyang, the general manager of the enterprise, said that since 2016, the enterprise has spent more than 20 million yuan in two years to update the old equipment. Now, the labor cost of a workshop has decreased by about 80% compared with the original, while the production capacity has increased by 20%.
Relying on the first mover advantage of R&D and industrialization of new technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, and industrial Internet of Things, traditional and emerging industrial forms collide and merge in this “black land” of digital economy, generating a wonderful “chemical reaction”, and emerging industries are also growing vigorously.
Since it was put into use in 2017, the AI town located in the west of Hangzhou has realized the gathering of high-end elements in the AI field by virtue of the good industrial ecology of Zhejiang University, Alibaba and other platforms. At present, the town has settled in Zhijiang Laboratory and other leading scientific research platforms and enterprises in the industry.
Statistics show that in the first quarter of this year, the added value of the core industries of digital economy in Zhejiang Province increased by 13.6% year on year; At the same time, the added value of 17 traditional competitive industries increased by 9.1% year on year. Some experts believe that the use of digital technology innovation has improved the efficiency of the use of production factors, enhanced the quality and added value of products and services, and made the digital economy the main engine driving supply side structural reform in Zhejiang.
There is no end to innovation and development. This year, Zhejiang will promote digital industrialization and industry digitalization by implementing measures such as setting up a 10 billion yuan digital economy industry fund, creating 100 “unmanned workshops” and “unmanned factories”, and supporting 100 backbone digital enterprises; At the same time, we further enhanced the technological innovation capability of the manufacturing industry, implemented 5000 intelligent transformation projects, and added 17000 industrial robots.
Development and Environmental Protection: “Multiple Choice
The clear river water is rippling with blue waves, the willows on the shoreline are gently brushed, visitors are walking or chatting, the water bus comes through the Gongchen Bridge, which was built in the Ming Dynasty, and the cultural relics of the canal for thousands of years are everywhere
This is the Gongshu District of Hangzhou, which is located at the southern end of the Grand Canal of China. It is hard to imagine that the scenery in front of us used to be the old industrial zone of Hangzhou. The gathering of a number of “big” industrial enterprises made the industry “heavy” and the environment messy, which once became the first impression of people here.
The transformation of the economic structure requires the determination of a strong man to break his nerve, and also requires measures to break through the barriers of both sides.” Zhu Jianming, secretary of the Gongshu District Party Committee, said that in the past decade, the local government has vigorously promoted the “cage for birds, phoenix nirvana”, shutting down and transferring more than 1500 polluting enterprises, at the same time, it has also made room for the development of the information economy, creative industries, and high-end service industries, realizing the nirvana of phoenix from the old industrial zone to the modern business district.
The butterfly transformation in Gongshu District is a microcosm of Zhejiang’s efforts to actively develop a green production and lifestyle and constantly adjust its structure to promote transformation, with the ecological environment protection as the driving force. In 2018, Zhejiang eliminated 1733 backward production capacity enterprises and renovated 36000 “low scattered” enterprises (workshops), and the industrial structure continued to be optimized.
Over the years, enterprises have gradually deepened their understanding and understanding of environmental protection, abandoning the method of” fishing with all one’s might “and sticking to the path of green development has achieved results in both environmental and economic aspects, and has become the consensus of enterprises and the government.” Li Chuanhai, chairman of Zhejiang Printing and Dyeing Industry Association and chairman of Haitong Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd., said.
According to the statistics of Zhejiang’s ecological environment department, in 2018, Zhejiang’s environmental quality continued to improve at a high level. The proportion of water quality above Class III in the provincial control section of surface water reached 84.6%, up 2.2 percentage points year on year; The ratio of days with good air quality in cities with districts and districts across the province was 85.3%, up 2.6 percentage points year on year, and the “golden card” of green water and green mountains became more and more shining.
One area and the whole: competing for development in an open and inclusive environment
Shenheng Electric Power Co., Ltd., which started in Yueqing, Wenzhou, has developed from the original ring network cabinet manufacturer to a smart energy solution provider, becoming an outstanding enterprise in the industry. “In recent years, enterprises have not only distributed in other cities in Zhejiang Province, but also in Henan, Hebei and other places, thus realizing the optimal allocation of industrial chain, innovation chain and value chain.” Wang Jian, chairman of Shenheng Power, said.
Under the background that integrated development has become a national strategy, Zhejiang has taken an active part in the process of participating in the agglomeration of advantageous industries and the construction of industrial ecology in the Yangtze River Delta.
In the face of the complex and volatile external environment, Zhejiang’s foreign trade data in the first quarter attracted attention: the total import and export volume increased by 6.8% year on year, of which the export volume increased by 8.6% year on year to 491.5 billion yuan, while the export volume to countries along the “the Belt and Road” increased by more than 11%. The resilience and confidence of a number of enterprises were constantly tested and honed in full competition in the global market.
